Tuesday 11 January 2011

Portfolio MMU - Graphic Design



In these various pieces of work i have been using various forms of materials to try and capture different effects that are visually pleasing. It has ranged from using pencils, inks and water colours and photoshop as well. In some of the pieces the them was 'Progress' hence the use of robots and these were done using pencils and colouring pencils in order to challenge my skills and I also used acrylic paints to achieve my terminator. In some of the pieces I used Ink, which was a new experience for me, but i thoroughly enjoyed the simplicity of them and how vibrant the colours appear. Some of the images are of a study of self-harm in which I thought needed to be brought up more in this society. I used the alien creatures as the symbolism of blood and the feeling of a person who performs self-harm. Furthermore I have found doing this work challenging and rewarding through out the process of its completion and which has inspired me to get into graphic design so that I can provide an image in which people want to send a message or in fact promote their business. So I would find this course to be challenging and yet rewarding in this field of creativity.

Thank You For Reading

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